सोमवार, 23 नवंबर 2009

Now NSUI to pick up office bearers through election

Sun, Nov 22 09:20 AM
New Delhi, Nov 22 (PTI) As part of its efforts to ensure that deserving leaders get prominence, the NSUI will now elect its office bearers, dumping practice of selection under which the organisational heads were handpicked by the leadership. The organisational elections of the students'' body, which introduces democracy as part of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi''s ambitious plan of reaching out to all, is supervised by Foundation for Advanced Management of Elections (FAME).
FAME, founded by former chief election commissioner JM Lyngdoh, is an NGO of ex-election commission officials. In the new system, elections will be conducted at college, district, state and national levels.
The group also hopes to garner support of those students who have dislike for student politics. "The process of electing the national president will be completed after we have representatives elected in all the states.
A few party posts have been reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs. So, we hope to achieve inclusive representation by December, 2010," said Anand Pandey, NSUI national general secretary.
(More) PTI RRD JO.

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