मंगलवार, 23 सितंबर 2008

मिला नोटिस 2 Sep 2008, 0051 hrs IST,नवभारत टाइम्स
वरिष्ठ संवाददाता नई दिल्ली : डूसू चुनाव में पोस्टरबाज़ी करने वाले कैंडिडेट्स के खिलाफ 15 एफआईआर दर्ज कराने के बाद अब डीयू ने 11 कैंडिडेट्स को नोटिस भेजकर कोड ऑफ कंडक्ट का उल्लंघन करने के बाबत जवाब-तलब किया है। इस बार डीयू की सख्ती ने कैंडिडेट्स को हैरान कर दिया है। डीयू ने एनएसयूआई, एबीवीपी समेत कुल 11 कैंडिडेट्स से मंगलवार शाम 5 बजे तक जवाब मांगा है। प्रॉक्टर प्रफेसर गुरमीत सिंह ने कड़ा रुख अपनाते हुए साफ कहा कि जिन कैंडिडेट्स का जवाब संतोषजनक नहीं पाया गया वे इस बार डूसू का चुनाव नहीं लड़ पाएंगे यानी उनको चुनाव लड़ने के अयोग्य ठहरा दिया जाएगा। डीयू के इस सख्त रुख के बाद कैंडिडेट्स के मन में डर पैदा हो गया है। प्रॉक्टर का कहना है कि शिकायत मिली है कि कैंपेन के दौरान कैंडिडेट्स बड़ी तादाद में प्रिंटेड पोस्टर उड़ा रहे हैं और नियमों का उल्लंघन कर रहे हैं। उनका कहना है कि इस तरह की शिकायतें लगातार आ रही हैं, इसलिए यूनिवर्सिटी ने यह कदम उठाया है। खास बात यह है कि एनएसयूआई ऐसा कोई नोटिस मिलने से साफ इनकार कर रही है। एनएसयूआई के प्रवक्ता आनंद पांडे का कहना है कि अगर ऐसा कोई नोटिस आएगा तो उसका जवाब संगठन जरूर देगा। लेकिन प्रॉक्टर का साफ कहना है कि एनएसयूआई के भी कैंडिडेट को नोटिस भेजा गया है। वहीं, एबीवीपी मान रही है कि बंगाल एक्ट के तहत प्रिंटेड पोस्टर के मामले में चारों कैंडिडेट्स को नोटिस जारी किए गए हैं। डूसू चुनाव के लिए संगठन के प्रवक्ता श्रीनिवास का कहना है कि इस बाबत ठोस जवाब दिया जाएगा। वह डीयू के रवैये पर सवाल उठाते हुए कहते हैं कि प्रशासन का रवैया समझ से परे है। उधर, स्टूडंट फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (एसएफआई) के प्रदेश सचिव रोहित का कहना है कि एनएसयूआई और एबीवीपी के खिलाफ उनके संगठन ने भी शिकायत की है। उनका कहना है कि मंगलवार को कैंपस में प्रदर्शन किया जाएगा और नियमों का उल्लंघन करने वालों के खिलाफ सख्त से सख्त कार्रवाई करने की मांग की जाएगी।

बैलट नंबर देख एबीवीपी गद्गद

बैलट नंबर देख एबीवीपी गद्गद 2 Sep 2008, 0051 hrs IST,नवभारत टाइम्स
भूपेंद्र नई दिल्ली : दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी छात्र संघ (डूसू) चुनाव में पिछले कई सालों से हार रही एबीवीपी इस बार कैंडिडेट के बैलट नंबर को देखकर ही फूले नहीं समा रही है और विश्वास से कह रही है कि जीत उसे ही मिलेगी। एबीवीपी नंबर गेम को पूरे तर्क-वितर्क के साथ पेश कर रही है। संगठन के 3 कैंडिडेट का बैलेट नंबर 3 है और उसका कहना है कि 3 नंबर के कैंडिडेट की सफलता दर बहुत अधिक है। यही नहीं, इसी नंबर गेम के सहारे वह एनएसयूआई पर भी ग्रहण लगने की बात कह रही है। दरअसल, एनएसयूआई के कैंडिडेट का बैलेट नंबर 8, 2, 2, 1 है और इसका टोटल 13 बैठता है जबकि एबीवीपी के कैंडिडेट का नंबर 3, 5, 3, 3 है और टोटल 14 है। एबीवीपी का कहना है कि 13 नंबर को शुभ नहीं माना जाता। एबीवीपी के प्रवक्ता श्रीनिवास का कहना है कि 1984 में बलराम यादव एबीवीपी के टिकट पर डूसू का चुनाव जीते थे और उनका भी 3 नंबर ही था। बलराम की बेटी अनुप्रिया इस बार संगठन की टिकट पर सेक्रेटरी का चुनाव लड़ रही है और उसका नंबर भी 3 ही है। अनुप्रिया की डेट ऑफ बर्थ भी है 3 अक्टूबर। इसी तरह नकुल भारद्वाज वाइस प्रेजिडेंट और प्रेजिडेंट का चुनाव जीते थे और दोनों बार उनका नंबर 3 था। दीप्ति रावत भी 3 नंबर बैलट के साथ ही सेक्रेटरी का चुनाव जीती थी। यही नहीं, एबीवीपी तो चुनाव कार्यालय को लेकर भी खुश है। इस बार एबीवीपी का चुनाव कार्यालय 6, महादेव रोड है और संगठन का कहना है कि जब-जब इस जगह कार्यालय बनता है तब-तब जीत मिलती है। अब एबीवीपी का यह विश्वास कायम रहता है या नहीं, यह तो 6 सितंबर को ही पता चलेगा लेकिन एनएसयूआई इस तरह के गणित को एबीवीपी का अंधविश्वास बता रही है। एनएसयूआई के प्रवक्ता आनंद पांडे का कहना है कि एबीवीपी की यह सोच संगठन की मानसिकता और दकियानूसी सोच को दर्शाती है। उनका कहना है कि एबीवीपी का यह शिगूफा किसी काम नहीं आएगा और जीत एनएसयूआई की ही होगी। पांडे कहते हैं कि उनके संगठन के कई कैंडिडेट 13 नंबर के साथ भी रेकॉर्ड वोट से जीते हैं और एबीवीपी दुष्प्रचार कर रही है।

Disqualifications send NSUI into a tizzy

Newsroom - Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Disqualifications send NSUI into a tizzy

Times News Network
New Delhi: The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) went into crisis management mode, following disqualification of three of its candidates on Monday, for the Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) election. As a first step, the three disqualified, including the strongest contender, Tanupriya Gupta, filed a writ petition before the High Court against the disqualification on Tuesday. The hearing for this is scheduled for Wednesday. After scrutiny of nominations, three candidates of NSUI failed to qualify to contest the forthcoming students’ union elections. What made matters worse for NSUI is that two of its strongest candidates (Bhawna Gera and Tanupriya Gupta) are also amongst those disqualified. This has put the house of NSUI is disarray, forcing the organisation to churn out new options. NSUI is now busy making strategies. While it has not revealed who will run for which post in the DUSU elections yet, sources in the party said that Tanupriya Gupta was being considered for the presidential post before she was pushed out of the race. Tanupriya is a second-year student of the Campus Law Centre and has done her graduation from Satyawati College. “My party is waiting for the outcome of the hearing scheduled on Wednesday. NSUI is not coming out with its panel because the seniors want me back. They were probably considering me for the presidential post,” said Tanupriya. She added that she has been working with NSUI for a year now and has the experience of winning the students’ union election in her college by a margin of 7,000 votes. “The other two girls who have been disqualified are relatively new,” said Tanupriya. However, with very little time left for a legal battle, sources in NSUI felt there is less chance of any success and are now exploring their next best bet from the remaining three candidates. NSUI seems to be considering a fresh face now for the presidential post in the form of Sonia Sapra. Sapra, a firstyear student of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, who is believed to have a “political lineage” is being touted as the next presidential candidate from NSUI. Putting up a brave front, Anand Pandey, spokesperson, NSUI said: “The disqualifications will not affect the party. We have other candidates who are good enough.” With the arch rival’s house in disarray, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) is counting on its lucky stars to make a comeback at the helm of affairs in DUSU. “Our candidates have been reaching out to students for the past some days. We work to build our voter base. The disqualification of NSUI candidates doesn’t matter much,” said ABVP general secretary Niharika Sharma. In this political ‘pot boiler’, another new package is the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) and Ambedkar Students’ Organisation of India (ASOI) coalition. Taking a cue from national politics, this coalition is positioning itself as the third front and an alternate choice. Both the organisations are upbeat at the prospects of springing a few surprises. According to Rohit, secretary, Delhi state committee, SFI, “The disqualification would definitely make the contest easier for us and the students can now think of an alternative, instead of repeating NSUI or ABVP.”

Voting local, thinking national

Voting local, thinking national
Wed, Sep 10 12:15 AM
DUSU elections are over and while many see ABVP's victory as a major upset, nothing much has changed. Though several parties were in the fray during elections, ultimately the race was between the two bigwigs of students' politics in DU - NSUI and ABVP. In JNU, however, where elections are due in October/November, the scenario is different.
Students' unions like AISA and SFI, both affiliated to Left parties, tower over NSUI and ABVP. Here, we take a look at the reason behind the differences in the political climate of Delhi's two major universities. Rohit, secretary, SFI, Delhi State, says, "Students in JNU are more mature and politically conscious.
Plus, JNU has had a history of Left movement. The kind of studies that are pursued are more socially sensitive and there is no place for ideologies of parties like NSUI or ABVP. "DU, on the other hand, is a much bigger campus.
What matters there are not any specific issues, but rather how parties and contestants conduct themselves. Students there haven't seen real political struggles and thus cast their vote on [the basis of] frivolous things like who is more good-looking.
" Preeti Agarwal, SFI's presidential candidate in the DUSU elections this year, feels that DU is "all about money and muscle power". Big parties in DUSU polls, she says, "have a way of projecting candidates by showering money.
Students finally start thinking, 'Why vote for a party that will lose anyway.'" Agarwal points out that SFI, unlike other parties, stuck to the Lyngdoh committee rules, which put considerable restraints on what a party could do for publicity.
Anand Pandey, NSUI national spokesperson, feels that his party is more mass-based and so fails in situations like the one at JNU. "The teachers and the intellectuals [at JNU] are inclined towards the Left," he says. "It's the structure that matters and there is clear Left orientation in JNU. However, the scenario is changing and things will be different in next 2-3 years.
" Mukesh, an MA student in DU, has a different take: "It's like choosing between two evils. On one hand, there's DU, where the two big parties hardly do anything fruitful but make big promises during elections.
On the other hand is JNU, with its self-proclaimed intellectuals living in a cocoon of Marxism. I don't see how one is better than the other.
" Ankita, a sociology student from JNU, feels that her university has had a history of producing major Left leaders. "While DU has its mooring in the consumerist Delhi culture, JNU is a microcosm of national political issues," she says.

DUSU polls: ABVP wins prez post; NSUI takes 3 seats

DUSU polls: ABVP wins prez post; NSUI takes 3 seats
Zeenews Bureau New Delhi, Sept 06: After failing to capture the president’s post in DUSU elections for five consecutive years, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad has managed to win the top seat of the Delhi University Union. ABVP`s Nupur Sharma an Economics graduate from Hindu College defeated Sonia Sapra (NSUI) by 1,639 votes to become the new DUSU president. Sharma got 10,345 votes, DU election officials said after the counting of votes. Meanwhile, the NSUI won three out of the four seats: Vice president, general secretary and joint secretary seats defeating its nearest ABVP rivals. NSUI`s Manohar Naagar was elected to the post of vice president while Amit Chaudhary won the general secretary seat. Ashish Gehlot won the joint secretary post. Naagar polled 8,804 voted against his rival Vasu Rukhar who got 7,956 votes. Similarly, Chaudhary defeated Anupriya Yadav of ABVP by 664 votes while Gehlot won by a margin of about 4,000 votes. Soon after the results were declared, both the camps took out victory processions. The winners were greeted by their supporters and sweets were distributed. Congress` student wing NSUI has been dominating the students` union for the last five years and had clinched all the four top posts last year with Amrita Bahri winning the president`s slot. The candidatures of NSUI`s Bhawna, Tanupriya Gupta and Deepti Deswal were rejected during scrutiny of nomination papers. NSUI spokesperson Anand Pandey, however, said it had no effect on the results. Bahri said that NSUI has retained majority in the polls. "We have the majority. Now it is up to Sharma to cooperate with us," she said. After losing the presidential race, a visibly unhappy Sapra said that the students "misunderstood her that she was not capable of doing the job.” About 65 officials were engaged in counting of votes that started at 9 am amid tight security. The polls were conducted yesterday at 36 booths in the north campus and affiliating colleges in which an estimated 40 percent voters turned up to cast votes. The elections witnessed aggressive campaigning by both the rival camps with allegations from both sides about violation of model code of conduct. The university has set up a three-member committee to inquire into the alleged violations of the election code. The administration has received 11 complaints of violations of model code conduct by using posters and banners during campaigning. Use of such items have been banned under the model code of conduct. These candidates, who include all the eight contestants from NSUI and ABVP, were issued notices to explain their stand on these charges. "They have submitted their replies which are not satisfactory," Rajesh Tandon, Additional Chief Returning Officer, said.

NSUI loses President’s post, wins 3 top slots

NSUI loses President’s post, wins 3 top slots
Swaha Sahoo, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, September 07, 2008
First Published: 01:08 IST(7/9/2008)
The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) on Saturday clinched the president’s post in the Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) elections but lost the other three top slots to arch rival National Students Union of India (NSUI).
With a total of 10,345 votes, ABVP presidential candidate Nupur Sharma, an Economics graduate from Hindu College, defeated NSUI’s Sonia Sapra. ABVP has won this post after five years.
“My win shows money is not important for winning DUSU elections. What is important is ability,” said Sharma, soon after the results were declared.
“A turnout of 40 per cent is miserable. We need to change students’ perspective and involve them in the political process,” she added.
ABVP’s Vasu Rukhar lost to NSUI’s Manohar Naagar by 848 votes for the Vice-president’s post.
Amit Choudhary of the NSUI defeated ABVP’s Anupriya Yadav for the post of Secretary by 9,381 votes.
Ashish Gahlot of the NSUI became the Joint Secretary with the largest margin of 3,830 votes. His nearest rival was Mukesh Kumar Shukla of the ABVP.
“Students have placed their faith in me and I will fulfil my promises,” said Gahlot.
According to ABVP sources, the NSUI’s clever caste politics won them the election and Rukhar was bound to lose.
“Rukhar was facing opposition from within the party. Many upper caste ABVP supporters did not want to vote for Rukhar, a Scheduled Caste candidate,” said a highly placed source on conditions of anonymity.
In contrast, his rival Manohar Naagar had all the support of the Gujjar community.
All four NSUI candidates visited Congress president Sonia Gandhi at her residence after the declaration of results.
“Soniaji congratulated all of them and asked them to fulfil all the promises they had made,” said Anand Pandey, spokesperson, NSUI.
Meanwhile, ABVP candidates and supporters turned violent after losing three of the four posts.
Protestors demonstrated in front of the office of Dean Students Welfare (DSW), demanding immediate recounting of the votes for the posts of vice president and secretary.
The protest turned violent when supporters threw a bottle of kerosene inside the DSW’s office. Police had to resort to lathicharge and make preventive detentions.
“They (ABVP) cannot demand recounting because they lost the elections. If they felt there was foul play during counting they should have pointed it out on the spot rather than destroying public property,” said Gurmeet Singh, Chief Election Officer and Proctor, DU.
The ABVP alleged the results had been rigged.
“The officials told us both Vasu and I had a lead. Then suddenly we had both lost,” said Anupriya Yadav, who fought for the Secretary’s post.

ABVP clinches DUSU prez post; NSUI sweeps the rest

xpressindia » Story
ABVP clinches DUSU prez post; NSUI sweeps the rest
New Delhi, September 6: The BJP's students wing ABVP made a dent in NSUI's dominance in the Delhi University Students' Union polls, wresting the President's post from the Congress' students body which won the other three top slots.
ABVP's Nupur Sharma became the new President of DUSU while NSUI bagged the posts of Vice President, General Secretary and Joint Secretary, varsity election officials said after the counting of votes. Sharma got 10,345 votes while her rival Sonia Sapra of NSUI polled 8,606 votes. "I will rectify the wrongs done by NSUI during the last five years," Sharma said.
Regarding the poor turn out of voters, she said the election system needs a change so that more students will take interest in exercising their franchise. NSUI's Manohar Naagar was elected to the post of vice president while Amit Chaudhary won the General Secretary's seat.
Ashish Gehlot won the joint secretary's post. They defeated the ABVP candidates. Naagar polled 8,804 voted against his rival Vasu Rukhar who got 7,956 votes. Similarly, Chaudhary defeated Anupriya Yadav of ABVP by 664 votes while Gehlot won by a margin of about 4,000 votes.
Soon after the results were declared, both the camps took out victory processions. The winners were greeted by their supporters and sweets were distributed.
Congress' student wing NSUI has been dominating the students' union for the last five years and had clinched all the four top posts last year with Amrita Bahri winning the president's slot.
The candidatures of NSUI's Bhawna, Tanupriya Gupta and Deepti Deswal were rejected during scrutiny of nomination papers. NSUI spokesperson Anand Pandey, however, said it had no effect on the results.
Bahri said that NSUI has retained majority in the polls. "We have the majority. Now it is up to Sharma to cooperate with us," she said.
After losing the presidential race, a visibly unhappy Sapra said that the students "misunderstood her that she was not capable of doing the job".
About 65 officials were engaged in counting of votes that started at 9 AM amid tight security. The polls were conducted yesterday at 36 booths in the north campus and affiliating colleges in which an estimated 40 per cent voters turned up to cast votes.
The elections witnessed aggressive campaigning by both the rival camps with allegations from both sides about violation of model code of conduct.
The university has set up a three-member committee to inquire into the alleged violations of the election code. The administration has received 11 complaints of violations of model code conduct by using posters and banners during campaigning.
Use of such items have been banned under the model code of conduct. These candidates, who include all the eight contestants from NSUI and ABVP, were issued notices to explain their stand on these charges.
"They have submitted their replies which are not satisfactory," Rajesh Tandon, Additional Chief Returning Officer, said.

dusu elections 2008

Times Of India
Neha Pushkarna

NEW DELHI: Even amidst restrictions by Delhi University (DU) on expenditure and campaigning methods for DU students union (DUSU) elections to be held on September 5, next few days in DU are going to be high on political fervour. The real action of DUSU elections may be visible outside the campus. Most parties say they would not flout rules but admit that printed posters, canvassing on vehicles and the usual sops for students - such as free movie tickets, booze parties - will all be available beyond the campus. The student outfits of parties are warming up for the elections. National Students Union of India (NSUI) started making its presence felt by inviting celebrities like film director Mahesh Bhatt and actor Riya Sen on the campus on Thursday. Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) candidates will start reaching out to students from Monday while other parties will shortly be deciding on their course of campaigning. "We are warming up now. But the curbs brought in by DU this time will definitely affect our campaigning. We will try to abide by the rules but we are naturally against it. Who can reach out to 80,000 students on foot in less than a week of campaigning?'' said Anand Pandey, national spokesperson, NSUI. He added that it would be impossible to stick to the budget of Rs 5,000 as even the hand-made posters came for a huge price. "One needs a lot of posters for a mass event like DUSU polls. Getting one big hand-made poster ready and then putting it up in all the colleges will cost at least Rs 100,'' said Pandey. Members of other parties also agreed on this and said that it was impractical to expect that DU's code of conduct would be followed. "Sticking to DU regulations is not possible. The expenditure overshoots every time,'' said ABVP general secretary Niharika Sharma. Said Surender, president, Youth For Social Justice (YFSJ), "Printed posters would be put up elsewhere in the city if not the campus. Besides, canvassing also includes lot many things which are prohibited, especially the free booze that flows in hostels during night.'' Though YFSJ is not contesting the DUSU elections, the party will still go for door-to-door canvassing to 'encourage' students to vote for the right candidate. NSUI and ABVP may always be campaigning on a commercial scale but other parties have plans to put technology to use for campaigning. "We will use cost-effective measures like sending e-mails and SMSes,'' said a YFE member.

विचरना मीरा के देश में ख़रामा-ख़रामा

विचरना मीरा के देश में ख़रामा-ख़रामा -आनंद पांडेय मीरा भक्ति-आंदोलन की सबसे समकालीन लगनेवाली कवयित्री हैं। वे आज भी हमारे मन-मस्तिष्क को...