गुरुवार, 26 जून 2008

NSUI angry on LTTE sympathaisers in JNU

Press Release
The National Students' Union of India (NSUI), 5-A, Raisina Road, New Delhi condemns DSU and Students' Liberation for glorifying notorious and banned terrorist organisation LTTE's leader S P Tamilselvan's death recently. Though the poster with the Tamilselvan's photograph dose not mention any of these organisations by name but the signaturiese all are confirmed members and contestants in this year's JNUSU elections from these outfits. s. Veeramani presidential candidate frome Students' Liberation, Ritpan Goswami and Sirohi Nandan for presidential and gen. Sec. candidate respectively from DSU.
LTTE is a world wide banned terrorist organisation fighting against the sovereignity of Sri Lanka and India . the organisation is responsible for assasination of Indian Prime Ministrer Rajiv Gandhi can not be praised like this publicly.
NSUI demands from the JNU administration to get these posters removed and met out punishment to these students or we warn of a students aggitation.
National Spokesperson, NSUI

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