A time to talk: JNU's election season kicks off with GBMs
Friday October 26, 12:45 AM
NOMINEES for Jawaharlal Nehru University's (JNU) student counsellor's post set forth their agendas at General Body Meetings (GBM) on Thursday, with the promise of reform and revolution.
The process began on Wednesday and will continue till Friday. The nominees would address the students of various schools in support of their candidature. In return the students would ask questions and demand answers from the candidates pertaining to their agenda, previous term performances and ideology.
"At the GBMs, the students get an opportunity to talk about their political agenda, discuss their previous term as councillors and defend their term in office. This is a great opportunity for the candidate to put his best foot forward," said Anand Pandey of National Students Union of India (NSUI). While most parties backed the fight against Special Economic Zones, many differed on the issue of the India-US civilian nuclear deal. While the right wing supporters reasoned that the deal was in the interest of the nation and is important for the growth and prosperity of the country.
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